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Embrace the art of music...


Hi. I'm Grace Amu the creator of EasyMusicTuition.com.I am 13 years old and have attended the Coder B series programme which has inspired me to create my own website based on my own interests. I decided to create a music based website because I have loved playing the keyboard since I was 7 and really wanted to show others that learning an instrument isn't as daunting as it may seem. It's actually really simple once you get the hang of it. I've loved playing the keyboard from a young age and once I brought it into school one day for show and tell, that was the moment I decided that I wanted to carry on learning the keyboard and hopefully one day create a small platform that I can use to encourage others too. At first it may not always be the easiest, however as we all say "practice makes perfect" and you will achieve your goals. Start using EasyMusicTuition today!

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