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End Poverty Everywhere!

Let's work together to make sure everyone has enough food, a safe home, and a chance to learn and grow.

Welcome To My Website on the UN Sdg Goal 1: No Poverty

Poverty Facts

What is Poverty?

Poverty means not having enough money for basic needs like food, clothes, and a place to live.It also means that your finances are not at the average of the average person in your country. You are not able to afford common things that other people have.

Who Does it Affect?

Poverty affects millions of kids,families and communities around the world, in every country.It limits people from a good education, healthy lifestyle and so many other life neccesities

Why is ending Poverty Important?

Every child deserves a fair chance to learn, play, and discover what the world ha in store for. Children should not have to work for money,live on the streets an starve for weeks, that is why ending poverty is important because every child dererves a good childhood!

How Can you help?

Learn More

Read books or the news, watch videos, and dicsover new ways to help people in poverty.This can help you undestand the importance

Share Your Knowledge

Tell your friends and family about what you've learned about poverty.This can encourage them to help people in poverty and will also encourage othere to help too.


Give clothes, books, or toys you don't use anymore to charities. Donating can help families and communities to get back on their feet and have enough for a better life.

Be Kind

Treat everyone with respect, no matter their culture, religion, skin colour or where they are from!.You should jugde a book by it's cover. It is important to always respect everyone because you never know they are going through.