Take Action
Building on the experience and outcomes of the first phase of the UN Global Compact Action Platform on Decent Work in Global Supply Chains, we now focus on developing strategies to reduce working poverty and re-think supply chains to transform them into engines of sustainable growth. Through this multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral platform, participants benefit and are motivated by the expertise and experiences of different companies, partners and organizations. .
You can contribute by Participating in partnerships and support capacity-building at the local level to advance the SDGs on decent work and poverty reduction. .
As a leader, you can help design more innovative systems to address human rights and labour rights in global supply chains, and contribute to a series of leadership briefs and good practices on the role of business in advancing decent work. .
you can be part of a business-led advocacy effort at the UN and take actions to move the needle on tackling working poverty in the workplace and supply chains by scaling efforts to improve worker rights and ensuring decent working conditions. .
Educate people on entrepreneurship and help them by providing financial aid for them to start up their business.