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    Child health: What Are The Things You Need To Keep A Child Healthy?

    For a Child to be healthy, they will be needing:

    Nutritious food- Our Children are not going to be strong and capable enough to even do the simplest of things if we don't help and make sure that these children are being fed with healthy food so that they would be active, they would be malnourished.

    Adequate shelter and sleep- If our children are not being given a proper shelter and proper sleep, they would not be able to have that much energy for the next day.If we give them a nice shelter then they will have more than enough energy to play and learn.

    Exercise- These infants are not going to have a good mental health if they don't exercise or stay healthy and would probably become sick!

    Immunizations- This is necessary so children will not be infected with deadly illnesses leading preventalbe deaths. And finally, A healthy living environment-so that they are safe and so that they stay healthy and fresh!

    Please make sure you do ALL these things if you want to keep you child(ren) healthy!