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Eba and Soup
This is an African delicacy
This is an African delicacy
This is a french snack
This is a french snack
This is a picture of a regular American meal
This is a picture of a regular American meal
And finally a snack you can eat anytime anyday
And finally a snack you can eat anytime anyday
Afican Food
African food is one of the spiciest meals in the entire world. When you taste food from Africa it'll probably have lots of pepper as most Africans love adding plenty pepper to their meals. Read More

French Food
French food is not just any ordinary meal you buy from fast food restaurant, no it has its story, it has its feeling, it has its meaning and most especially, it has its taste. Read More

American Food
Do you want a taste of magic? Do you want to understand food? Do you want to feel alive? Then get up and go to the nearest American fast food restaurant where you would truly understand. Read More

Chinese Food
Enjoy a blast of different exotic sea delicacies and see what the great China is all about. Read More