1. Cut down on your electricity

Cutting back on your electricity can support the SDG Goal 7. As the amount of elctricity you use reduce the amount of fossil fuels and gases also decreases therefore the amount of harmful gases released into the atmosphere will decline.

2. Switch your energy source

You can switch your electricity to a cleaner energy source like solar panels. The most commonly known fact about solar panels is that its a clean and green source of energy. It reduces the carbon footprint and it is used as an alternative to fossil fuels and coal, much like other clean energy sources.

3. Buy rechargable electronics

Cutting back on your electricity can support the SDG Goal 7. As the amount of elctricity you use reduce the amount of fossil fuels and gases also decreases therefore the amount of harmful gases released into the atmosphere will decline.

4. Join in with the events

If you are willing to support this goal, join in with the upcoming events which take place all over the world. If you don't have any events going on in your area fell free to go on your own private litter pick or join one of our online confrences

5. Donate to Charity

Donationg to charities that are focusing on making the worlds energy green can contribute alot to the companies working with them, by helping them buy recorces that assist their research.