Goal 7 of the SDGs aims to correct this enormous imbalance by ensuring everyone has access to affordable, reliable,
and modern energy services by the year 2030. To expand energy access, it is crucial to enhance energy efficiency and to invest in renewable energy.
Globally, the number of people without access to electricity declined from 1.2 billion in 2010 to 759 million in 2019. Electrification through
renewable-based solutions in particular gained momentum. The number of people connected to mini-grids has more than doubled between 2010 and 2019, growing
from 5 to 11 million people. However, under current and planned policies and further affected by the COVID-19 . At the same time, some 2.6 billion people
remained without access to clean cooking in 2019, one third of the global population. Largely stagnant progress since 2010 leads to millions
of deaths each year
SDG goal 7: Sustanable Development Goals.
from breathing cooking smoke, and without rapid action to scale up clean cooking the world will fall short of its target by 30 percent come 2030.
Goal 7 of the SDGs aims to correct this enormous imbalance by ensuring everyone has access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy
services by the year 2030. To expand energy access, it is crucial to enhance energy efficiency
and to invest in renewable energy. Asia has been the driver of progress in this area, expanding access at the twice the rate of demographic growth.
72% of the increase in energy consumption from modern renewable sources between 2010 and 2012 came from developing regions, including parts of Asia.
Energy from renewable resources – wind, water, solar, biomass and geothermal energy – is inexhaustible and clean.
Although the solution to energy’s climate
crisis lies off-grid, renewable energy currently constitutes only 15% of the global energy mix.
It is time for a new global partnership on sustainable energy
for all, guided by Sustainable