Coder Series is a hands on, mentoring and Industry related Coding Series. Preparing Kids,
Teens & Adults advance their learning in coding.
Coder Series is the Training Platform of Techiefy Ltd, UK. A Global Technology and Consulting firm
on a mission to provide Smart Technology Solutions, Consulting, Advisory & IT Training service to individuals and corporates.
Coder Series has been an opportunity for me to realise I actually
have a coder inside of me .
I also think it will make a great change to your child and even you like it did to me.
SDG goal 7: Sustanable Development Goals.
Also Coder Series enables you to become a leader and to help others and that is how after Coder Series I can
be a better leader than I was before.
The way that they do lessons is good because it lets you gradually move on
and then before you know it you have a website just like me !
It has been a wonderfull time making a website and it has been very easy.
So I hope you come to Coder Series.
Also,since there are marks in Coder Series it's easy to get them but hard to loose them.
Link to coder series website