My name is Japheth Omole. I'm part of the Coder Series class for the winter session. I took up coding to learn a new skill which would help me in the future. I have learnt a lot from it. As well as this, learning about climate change has really left me with a lot of knowledge on what climate change is and how it is affecting the Earth at the moment. I think that coding can benefit everyone.
I do a lot of sport such basketball, football and hockey, and enjoy all of them. I think coding will be a really useful skill in the future, regardless of te job your doing. I think it would help you find a good uni or college, as they tend to look for skills that you can do. I recommend coding to everyone, as it is really useful.
In conclusion, I think climate change is a very solvable problem. As humans, we have proved that if we put our minds to anything, we can solve do it. Look at the developments of the 21st century. Everyone has a chance to make a difference. So do just that, use this website to build your knowledge so that you can stop contributing to global warming on massive levels.