The goal we are going to be delving into today is Sustainable Development Goal 13. This goal revolves around climate change, and preventing it and its impacts. Climate action is very important as it determines whether or there will still be life in the future.
The impacts of climate change are huge, and include: Hotter temperatures, leading to more heat-related diseases; More severe storms; Increased drought; Warmer and rising oceans, which endangers marine life; and a loss of species such as marine life and animals in the antarctic and arctic.
As you can see climate change is life-threatenings to animals, and if we don't act now humans will be in a lot of danger soon.It is estimated that by 2100, if no changes are made, the whole of the middle east will become unlivable due to the immense heat. By 2050, 200 million people may be forced to move countries due to climate change. This would cause immense overcrowding as well as overpopulation in some countries. By 2050, climate impacts on crop yields could increase the number of malnourished children by around 11 million in Asia, 10 million in Africa, and 1.4 million in Latin America. These are just a few of the many impacts that climate change could have on us as humans.
With the SDG goal there come targets that can be used to direct the UN into how they should go about solving climate change. These targests are as follows.
All these targets are being used to benefit society by trying to combat climate change. They help us as well as the UN really see what goes on behind the scene. This is an introduction to the climate action SDG goal. If you take anything away from this website, make sure you realise that climate change is a serious threat and there is no better time to act than now.