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My SDG Goal is Goal 4: Quality Education.

The goal is to "Insure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all." This means to make sure that all people get quality education no matter thier race, gender, religion etc. Goal 4 wants to promote learing opportunities for all, - meaning that they want to make sure all people get to have a chance to become learned and to use their education to do good things in their life.

Goal 4 wants to make sure that both men and women have access to learning tools that they can use to expand their knowledge on their learning.

Goal 4 also wants to increase the number of people with basic and relevant skills for financial success. This means making sure that a lot more people can live a peaceful and comfortable financial life.

SDG Goal 4 wants to eliminate all discrimination in education meaning that we all get to have an equal amount of education despite our race, gender, religion, etc.

SDG Gaol 4 is a very intruging and eye opening concept. It shows us just how much of a disadavantage that others have when it comes to education and how lucky we are to have all of the things we do. To think that many girls don't get to go to school and learn just because the are girls, or that people of different race cannot learn as much as others because they are thought of as inferior compared to others of a different race from others, is just heartbreaking. It just goes to show you how unjust this world is. It is inportant that we stay happy for who we are and what we have.